Early, Severe Sun Exposure and Risk of Melanoma
Written by Trevan Fischer, M.D., Assistant Professor of Surgical Oncology and Assistant Program Director of Complex General Surgical Oncology Fellowship at the…
What You Need To Know About Hyperhidrosis (Sweaty Palms)?
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7 Things You Need to Know About Thyroid Cancer
Written by Melanie Goldfarb, M.D., Associate Professor of Surgery, Director for the Endocrine Tumors and Disorders Center, and Medical Director for…
Clearing The Air About Lung Cancer
Cancer is a haunting specter that looms over more and more families with every passing year, and lung cancer is…
Lung Volume Reduction Surgery
The idea of a Lung Volume Reduction Surgery may seem ludicrous to those with healthy lungs, but for those who…
Surgical Treatment of Bronchiectasis
Bronchiectasis is the chronic inflammation of bronchi walls. It is characterized by thickening bronchi walls from inflammation and infection. When…
Surgical Management of Primary Upper Limb Hyperhidrosis – A Review
Hyperhidrosis is classified by sweating excessively in response to stimuli. Excess sweat is define as sweat that exceeds amounts normally…
Chest Wall Deformities: An Overview on Classification and Surgical Options
Chest wall malformations (CWM) can be exhibited in several ways and can cause both functional respiratory impairment and psychosocial concerns…
Thoracic Critical Care
Patients requiring thoracic care are generally older, former or current smokers, and sicker as compared to other types of patients….
Preoperative Evaluation of Patients for Thoracic Surgery
Thoracic surgery, or surgery on the lungs, is most commonly used to remove lung cancer or to reduce the volume…