
Sun Safety Tips For Spring

Spring is here! March 19, 2020 is the first official day of Spring. It’s time to get outside and come…


A Letter to My Doctor: True Melanoma Patient Testimonial

The letter was written by Joseph M, a melanoma cancer patient at the Saint John’s Cancer Institute Saint John’s Health…


July is UV Safety Month. Here Are 5 Ways to Protect Your Skin

July means fun in the sun for many people. But with the beach and barbecue weather comes higher exposure to…


May is Melanoma Awareness Month

Did you know skin cancer is the most common type of cancer and melanoma is the most dangerous kind? According…


Early, Severe Sun Exposure and Risk of Melanoma

Written by Trevan Fischer, M.D., Assistant Professor of Surgical Oncology and Assistant Program Director of Complex General Surgical Oncology Fellowship at the…