Stacy Lilien is riding the wave of least expected, and happily.
Just 7 weeks after a major spinal surgery, Stacy (68) was seen standing next to her mustang at Shadow Hills Equestrian Center, gearing to ride in Tujunga, California.
Stacy experienced severe back and hip pain in early 2023. Inhibited to continue riding her two horses, or walk without crippling pain, which no painkiller was able to alleviate completely, Stacy searched for answers until she found one at Providence, Saint John’s Health Center in Santa Monica, California. “No one thought I was going to come out the other side, with these results, and quickly,” says Stacy on her recent spinal surgery.
“My riding has improved because I’m more even, and equal on both sides.”
–Stacy Lilien
Corrective Spinal Surgery & Scoliosis
What was Stacy’s diagnosis?
Stacy had major compression in her vertebrae, and scoliosis (curvature of the spine), which she was completely unaware of. “It is pretty much a common thing that people have a mild curvature of the spine and don’t know it until later and then they get osteoporosis, or degenerative disk disease,” Dr. Khosla mentions. Highlighting Stacy’s pain was irrespective of her recreational activities, though it may have exacerbated her condition.
“I choose Dr. Khosla out of all the other doctors that I looked at because he promised me the best outcomes. He knew I could get better.”
–Stacy Lilien
Stacy’s recovery time was remarkable and likely accelerated due to an internal drive. Dr. Khosla attributes her quick recovery to the dedication she put into physical therapy, her family’s support, “which is super important,” he says, and her psychological outlook. Thanks to Stacy’s natural tenacity, she now jumps both her horses five days a week pain-free.
“In a year from now, you will barely think about the fact that you had the surgery.”
– Dr. Khosla.
On December 11th, 2023, Saint John’s Cancer Institute’s media team filmed Stacy in her element, jumping on her mustang at the Shadow Hills Equestrian Center. “Would you like me to jump again,” she repeated, again… and then again, happy to display her progress.
Watch Stacy, Dr. Khosla, and Chantal, describe a fascinating Journey from Surgery to Recovery.
Shot in September 2023, December 2023, and January 2024, Stacy Lilien shares her story with SJCI.
Stacy’s Recommendation
Though Stacy’s marvelous disposition was a major contributor to her wellness, so was Dr. Khosla’s care. “I recommend you to everyone,” says Stacy to Dr. Khosla in the Rose Gardens, just outside the Health Center, where most patient and doctor interviews take place. Both Stacy’s husband and brother have had corrective spinal surgeries with Dr. Khosla since.
What is Minimally Invasive Spinal Surgery?
Contact Achieve, Brain & Spine Inc.